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I tried Nanowrimo this year

Writer: A.BorroelA.Borroel

I participated in Nanowrimo this year again. For those of you who may not know, Nanowrimo stands for National Writing Month. The goal of Nanowrimo is to complete a standard 50,000 word book in just one month. Just the writing portion, not the whole editing part (that would be madness!). I did this back in 2017 and completed the challenge which led to The Inevitables. I tried it again in 2018, but I quickly fell off and didn't even go past a week. I decided to take it more seriously like I did for this year and this is what happened...Drum roll....

I didn't finish. I don't like admitting it, but I didn't make it to 50,000 words. BUT I still see it as a win. A couple of months ago, I got a huge dose of inspiration and I wanted to share it with the world. I used that inspiration to start up my second book and even though I didn't finish, I still managed to write every day and start the book that I plan on finishing.

So, why didn't I finish? Well there were a couple of factors. The main one being work. I work a full-time job, but it was also the busiest time for us because we put on this huge parade that brings in about 50,000 people in one whole area. It was more intense than what I planned for and I barely wrote anything for a week because I was there late at night for work. I also have responsibilities at home, plus having family obligations on weekends and I'm really into Hand Maid's Tale right now so there was that. But I didn't finish and at first I felt bad about it, but I'm looking at the positive and moving on.

Now, I keep on going. I love my current job and I love my current life, but I definitely do not want to give up my writing dreams. It may not be my first priority nowadays, but it's up there and I will get my second book pushed through. One of these days, I'll get somewhere, but for now, I'll be writing with a cup of tea to my left, my cat on my write and my dog at my feet.

Until next time, Happy Reading and Writing!


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